The blizzard is coming !

The blizzard is coming ! by Ennev
The blizzard is coming !, a photo by Ennev on Flickr.

Strange glow from the ice crystal in the air of Montreal today. The temperature started from 1c and will go to -22c tonight. Brrrr

Used an old 28mm lenses, the normal for a APS-C sensor, a lot of people still think 35mm and believe that a 50mm is the normal (actually it’s 43mm), for a full frame yes, but not for a cropped sensor. Sorry for being boring with the geek details.

The bridge

The bridge by Ennev
The bridge, a photo by Ennev on Flickr.

I love that Hipstamatic software for ios 🙂 Closest thing to using film camera on a digital device 🙂


I’ve made a page featuring Tracey and my pictures you can visit if you like at :

If you want to see my analog stuff specifically you can visit my lomo home at : if you have a home there too you can friend me, I’ll reciprocate 🙂

Aux Anciens Canadiens

Aux Anciens Canadiens by Ennev
Aux Anciens Canadiens, a photo by Ennev on Flickr.

Taken in the Old Quebec with a Lomography Sprocket Rocket with Lady Grey 400.


I’ve made a page featuring Tracey and my pictures you can visit if you like at :

If you want to see my analog stuff specifically you can visit my lomo home at : if you have a home there too you can friend me, I’ll reciprocate 🙂